HomeLifestyle FashionHow to start a successful new life after engagement?

Always groom yourself for your spouse. (Photo: Pixabay)

Engagement is said to be the first practical step in the beginning of married life. This is the time to start a new life. During this time introductions are made to each other and future plans are made.
This is the time that people also refer to as a beautiful dream. This is the best time to get to know each other and understand each other’s mood. It is during this time that the foundation of a successful future life is laid.
Arabic magazine Saidati talked to Manal Ismail, an expert on personal and social affairs, in which he explained some important points of success which are as follows.

Engagement is the beginning of a new phase

Manal Ismail says that after the engagement, it is actually time to introduce each other. During this time the parties understand each other’s mood and determine the future path for themselves.
The post-engagement period is especially crucial for a girl, during which she is in a better position to make a better decision about the future. After knowing the habits and thoughts of your prospective travel partner, it becomes easier to decide what their future life might be like.

Clarity and directness

There is no doubt that there is no action greater than truthfulness. There is comfort and peace in the truth because the truth-speaker is also a keeper of trust. Truth keeps a person away from lies and hypocrisy. Therefore, it is important that the parties prefer truth and honesty among themselves and act accordingly.
The biggest disease is lack of honesty and integrity. Men prefer honesty in all things and actions and understand that a woman who lies once can do so again, so they do not trust what they should. Therefore, it is better to adopt the character of truth and honesty from day one so that the foundations of a successful relationship can be established on a strong foundation.

Manal Ismail says that after the engagement, it is actually time to introduce each other. (Photo: Pixabay)

Respect is essential

However, no matter what your relationship is, it is important to maintain mutual respect at all times and not let your emotions get in the way of respect. Especially in front of the fiance’s family and friends.

Arrangement and interest

After getting engaged, it’s imperative that you show interest in and respect your partner. Giving importance to your spouse is extremely important for a better relationship in the future. For this you should make sure that your behavior is the most important thing in your life.
Listen carefully to what your fiancé has to say and value what he has to say during the conversation.


Respect is very important for the stability and strength of any relationship, for which it is very important to use soft and polite language and tone for mutual dialogue. After the engagement, special care should be taken that there is no lack of mutual respect and love so that the relationship is built on a solid foundation and there are no cracks in it.
Honesty and respect are factors that increase mutual love, while doing the opposite is detrimental.

Always avoid blaming and criticizing your fiancé. (Photo: Pixabay)

Pardon and mercy

One should not try to dominate one’s spouse on the basis of any fault of his. This starts to erode mutual trust. Successful and happy relationships cannot exist unless the attitude of forgiving mistakes is adopted.
Many couples think that the purpose of forgiveness is to become weak in front of the other party, this is a very wrong thought, on the contrary, forgiveness is the best and highest quality. This increases the sense of security of the second party.

Make yourself attractive

It is human nature to love beauty. So keep this natural process in mind and try to always groom yourself for your spouse. Choose nice and attractive clothes and try to beautify your appearance as well as your behavior and interior.

Accept the difference

Always keep in mind after engagement that if there is any disagreement, accept it with a smile and don’t let the relationship go cold.

One should not try to dominate one’s spouse on the basis of any fault of his. (Photo: Pixabay)

Treat your fiance’s family and loved ones better

In order to maintain a happy relationship after engagement, it is important to strengthen your relationship with your future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and avoid differences and tension with them. Because doing the opposite will create tension and confusion in your relationship which will take the relationship to a dangerous point.


Always avoid blaming and criticizing your fiancé. Always keep your thinking positive and do not insist on imposing your opinion on any matter, but be flexible in your attitude. Stubbornness and stubbornness increase the distance between hearts.

Avoid thoughts of control and dominance

Controlling thoughts gradually turn into selfishness if they become dominant. This attitude is always the main reason for separation. Therefore, it is important to give space and its legitimate right to everyone. Never let any of your behavior show that you are superior.

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