HomeLifestyle FashionWhat are the causes of sudden red eyes?

Any type of virus can also cause red eyes. Photo Splash

Eyes are not only a mirror of the human personality but also of the body, through which the changes in the body can be evaluated.
This is the reason that the diseases in the body can also be estimated from the color of the eyes, but sometimes the eyes become red due to lack of sleep. Or sometimes the eyes appear red due to allergies.
According to Al-Argal magazine, sometimes redness in the eyes can be caused by some kind of virus, besides, a sudden attack by bacteria can also cause redness in the eyes.
There are various causes of redness in the eyes. However, it is important to know the causes for its remedy, after which treatment is given.
If the eyes are red due to lack of sleep, it is important to get enough sleep, but if the reason for the redness is something else, then regular treatment is necessary.
Causes of red eyes:
Lack of sleep
In general, lack of sleep is the cause of redness of the eyes, lack of oxygen supply to the veins of the eyes is also a cause of redness.
Due to the lack of sleep, the eyes remain open for a long time, due to which the cornea of ​​the eye does not have the required moisture and the eye becomes slightly dry and red.
In this regard, in a study conducted in the year 2022, it has been revealed that lack of sleep increases dryness of the eyes, which makes the eyes red.

Red eyes are also due to fatigue or lack of sleep. Photo: Insplash
Contact lenses
Wearing contact lenses deprives the eyes of the required amount of oxygen, causing them to become red. Agarlens are also used at night while sleeping, so it is possible to get an eye infection.
Therefore, it is important not to use the lens too often and to wear it after washing it in the recommended medical way, and definitely not to wear the lens while sleeping.
Sensitivity or allergy
Sensitization or allergy is actually a normal immune response, but it can be a trigger for a process that causes allergy symptoms in the eyes.
Allergies can be caused by a variety of factors, including medications, dust, air pollution, certain chemicals such as excess chlorine in swimming pools, and some people also experience eye allergies due to seasonal changes.
Blue water or cataracts
People who suffer from cataracts or glaucoma also have red eyes or high pressure in the eyes can also cause redness. Pressure on the eye can be dangerous, causing damage to the eye artery. This is the artery that carries the optic nerve to a specific part of the brain.
Eye redness is usually more common in the elderly, which may also affect the angle of vision. In case of sudden redness of the eye, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, especially if there is a feeling of nausea with the redness of the eye, or if there is pressure on the eyes or headache.

In the case of cataracts, special care should be taken of the eyes. Photo: Insplash
Among the causes of redness in the eyes, viral attack is also an important cause that can lead to infection. For its treatment, doctors prescribe medicines after conducting a regular examination.
Sometimes the eyes become red even when suffering from a cold or severe cold.
As for bacterial infection, it is common in most children, often aggravated by rubbing the eyes, and can be spread from person to person. Therefore, it is important to be careful during bacterial infection.
Is conjunctivitis contagious?
Although the mere redness of the eyes is not transferable from one to the other, the reasons for this need to be investigated to determine whether the redness is simply due to lack of sleep or a virus, bacteria or disease. Can be contagious.
An eye infection or conjunctivitis can be contagious as long as it has symptoms that are caused by a virus or bacteria. For this it is necessary to find out the causes.
Remedy for eye redness
Treatment of redness of the eyes is primarily to find out the cause, after which appropriate treatment methods are prescribed, some of which are as follows.
1. Antibiotic drops
Antibiotic drops are given to treat the eyes, which requires the doctor to diagnose the disease after examining the eyes and then determine the dose and ratio of the antibiotic.

Contact lenses should be applied and removed from the eyes with clean hands. Photo: Insplash
If the conjunctivitis is mild, it resolves on its own within three to five days without the need for antibiotics.
If the eye infection is viral i.e. based on a virus, it clears up after 14 days without the need for antibiotics.
2. Artificial tears
Redness of the eyes is usually also due to dryness, for which ‘artificial tears’ play a major role. Their purpose is to moisten the eyes i.e. remove dryness and supply the required amount of oxygen.
3. Antihistamines (allergy medicine)
Antihistamines that are given for allergies are useful for treating red eye caused by allergies. In this case, there is itching along with redness in the eyes. It is not better, but it is mandatory that any medicine for the eyes should not be used by itself, but should be used with the advice of a physician.
Precautions in eye redness
To avoid redness of the eyes, the following points should be taken care of.
. Keep washing your hands with clean water and soap.
. Do not rub the eyes especially when the eyes are red.
. Wash hands thoroughly after using eye drops or ointment to avoid infecting co-workers.
. Do not wear contact lenses for long periods of time.
. Wash the contact lens with a special solution.

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