Türkiye’s International Special Feature Cell No. 7 Oscar Entry Miracle was at the box office in his hometown last year, reported the deadline. It continued to gain great success on Netflix in multiple regions.
Director Mehmet Ada Oztekin’s emotional drama is a remake of a 2013 Korean film of the same name – tells the story of a memo played by a different father, Aras Bulut Iynemli. Along with his seven-year-old daughter, OVA, the two live in an Aegean town under martial law in 1983.
This is when Memo is illegally imprisoned for the murder of a child while he and the OVA are about to reunite each other.
During a film panel discussion with the outlet, Oztechin discussed how his film diverges from the original. This was like a comedy. “The original had a lot of gray areas,” he said. “I wanted to keep the main theme and clarify the gray areas, but I wanted this to be a more universal story.”
Having lost 10 kg (22 pounds), Inemuri said he was impressed by his character’s “paternal instinct” during his research and preparation for the role. “This story reminded us of some of the values we forgot,” he said.
Check out the interviews with the director and the stars and more about Turkish international Oscar entry, including how I came up with the film’s big twist.
Check out the interview here.
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