HomeIslamicMaulana Tariq Jameel is recovering in a Canadian hospital due to heart...

Maulana 20Tariq 20Jameel 20is 20undergoing 20treatment 20in 20a 20Canadian 20hospital 20due 20to 20heart 20attack

Renowned religious scholar and preacher Maulana Tariq Jameel, who suffered a heart attack in Canada a day ago, is “on the mend” and will be “discharged from the hospital soon.”

The scholar is undergoing treatment for his heart condition and shared an update on his improved health.

The preacher’s official Twitter handle shared a tweet with a smiling picture of him in a hospital bed wearing a shawl and a woolen cap.

“By the grace of Allah and the prayers of your friends, [my] health is a bit better now. Will be discharged after three more days in the hospital under the supervision of doctors,” the tweet requested for more prayers.
It is also learned that Maulana underwent angioplasty on Tuesday after suffering a heart attack during his stay in Canada, according to family sources.

اللہ کے فضل اور آپ احباب کی دعاؤں سے اب طبیعت قدرے بہتر ہے. تین دن مزید ہسپتال میں ڈاکٹرز کے زیرِ نگہداشت رہنے کے بعد انشاءاللہ ڈسچارج کر دیا جائے گا. مزید دعاؤں کی درخواست ہے. pic.twitter.com/4t0OrLzaOP

— Tariq Jamil (@TariqJamilOFCL) December 28, 2022

A day ago, Alam’s son Yusuf Jameel told his followers on the micro blogging networking site about his father’s condition that he has been shifted to the hospital.

“He’s feeling better now, Alhamdulillah!” Yusuf asked followers to pray for his father’s health. “May Allah give my father perfect health.”

Maulana Tariq Jameel was in Canada to attend an event organized by Islamic Relief Canada, an international charity.

On Twitter, Islamic Relief Canada announced: “Unfortunately, today’s program with Maulana Tariq Jameel has been postponed until December 28 due to Maulana’s health.”

It added that all will be valid on Wednesday. “If you are unable to attend, you may request a refund directly through Eventbrite,” the statement added.

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