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Bloating can happen to anyone. Dealing with a bloated stomach is never fun, and going about your day feeling uncomfortable and having trouble zipping up your jeans can be downright annoying. The good news is that breakfast is a great time to add some ingredients to your diet that can help reduce inflammation.

1. Banana is good for sensitive stomach.

That will change Bananas help you feel better in the morning. Nutritionists easily explain why this happens.

First, the experts said Bananas Low FODMAP fruits (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, polyols). That means it’s less likely to upset your stomach if it’s sensitive. Also, bananas are good for digestion as they are high in fiber. Fiber helps keep your bowels regular and prevents constipation, which can make you feel bloated. Eating bananas also makes you feel full You’re less likely to overeat later in the day. Nice!

Bananas reduce water retention.

Another big thing Bananas They are rich in potassium which helps prevent and reduce inflammation. Experts say, Potassium Helps regulate sodium levels in the body, which can reduce water retention and bloating. Not only that – bananas also contain such important nutrients Vitamin B6 supports overall digestive health. Wonderful!

In short, eating a banana in the morning is good for your digestive system and can ease your bloated stomach. Throw some into a bowl of fiber-packed oatmeal for a delicious and nutritious meal your gut will appreciate. Yes!

There is also a limit to eating bananas.

Better not to overeat Bananas – Maybe just One or two a day is best. Being high in carbohydrates and sugar, eating too much can make you gain weight.

Make sure you have a mix of different fruits and vegetables for balance in your diet. If you eat too many bananas or other foods that are high in potassium, it can cause excess in your body. It is called Hyperkalemia It causes weakness, fatigue, numbness or tingling.

Bonus: Avocado toast isn’t the best idea for breakfast.

Buttered toast isn’t the best choice for breakfast, and it’s because of its two halves. Avocados have good stuff like B vitamins and antioxidants, but they’re not high in protein, which is important for breakfast. Protein gives you energy and keeps you feeling full for longer. A breakfast that lacks enough protein can make you hungry again, and you may want to eat unhealthy foods.

The type of bread is also important. White bread is made from refined grains and has no fiber, which is good for your stomach and digestion. You need to eat about 8 slices of white bread to get the amount of fiber in one slice of whole grain bread. Therefore, white toast is digested faster and hunger can return sooner.

Since each food item has its own contraindications and possible effects on our digestive system, it is important to be cautious and careful about our stomach health.

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