HomeInspiring StoriesI boarded the plane and left my wife for being late

Any marriage or romantic relationship comes with its own hurdles, including arguments and disagreements. anguy1284, a Reddit user got into an argument with his wife after she left him at the airport due to his poor time management. The argument led the user to ask Help From reddit to determine if he was wrong to abandon his wife.

The Redditor wrote: “My wife (female, 43) and I (male, 47) have a daughter (female, 21) going to a college abroad. We’ll call my wife Meg and my daughter Jess. Jess is a junior in college. We usually visit Jess twice throughout the semester.

Let me start by saying that traveling with my wife was not a great experience. I’m a type A and like to organize everything, especially when traveling to make sure we get where we need to go quickly. My wife, in contrast, is very ‘go with the flow’ and ‘we’ll get there when we get there.’ I do my best to meet in the middle, but not when traveling by plane.

“Last year, on Parents’ Weekend, Meg and I were going to fly out to see Jess. Our flight was at 10 a.m. I told my wife we ​​had to be at the airport 90 minutes early, and we live about 30 minutes from the airport. I was at the latest by 8 p.m. Was told wanted to leave, got up at 6 to make sure everything was ready.

My wife doesn’t like getting up early. I tried to wake her up 5 times before she woke up at 7:40. We didn’t leave the house until 9 o’clock. We missed our flight because the airport was busier than usual and took longer to get through security.

“Fast forward to now. We take a flight from our hometown to the nearest big city and then fly from there to my daughter’s college town. Again a long morning I pushed my wife and took her. I wanted to make sure I told her that because of the last mishap at the airport, we had to leave extra early so we wouldn’t miss another flight.

We got there on time, with some time to spare. We took our first flight and landed at a very large airport in the connecting city. We rested for about 1 hour only. We got off the plane at 9:15 and our next flight started boarding at 9:40. We had to take several rails to get from our landing to our terminal. We arrived at our terminal and had about 15 minutes to board our flight.

“My wife tells me to get coffee. Next to our terminal was a small market selling hot food and coffee. I asked if I should carry it for her. ‘No, I want Starbucks,’ she said. Starbucks was a train ride away and a short walk.

I told her we can’t do that, we don’t have enough time. She said we have enough time and if I don’t go with her, she will go by herself. I tried to discourage her but she was determined. She walked away at a brisk pace for her, saying she would be back in time.

“15 minutes went by and she was nowhere to be seen. They started calling the boarding teams, I called believing my wife was nearby and she didn’t answer. They called a few groups and then ours. In a panic I called my wife 3 times again and finally on the last call she answered and said she was going, it was a long queue and she had to wait for a while. I told her that it was almost over and she had to hurry.

I waited at the door but the attendant said they should close the gate in 2 minutes. I waited and waited, but she never came. The attendant asked if I wanted to get in, otherwise she was closing the gate. I tried to plead with her to wait for two minutes, but she insisted that she couldn’t. So, I boarded the plane.

“A few minutes later, my wife called me and the attendant wouldn’t let her, they had already cleared the boarding ramp. She said I had to tell them to get me off the plane to be with her, and I said no. It wasn’t fair to Jess to do this again. I said, ‘We I said no time, but you decided to go anyway.’I told her to buy a new ticket for the next flight and I will see her when she arrives.

She went to Jess’s school and she didn’t care about the whole situation and didn’t talk about it. I thought she realized it was her fault and wanted to let it go. Boy was I wrong. We are home now and she hasn’t spoken to me since the trip a week ago.

Many of the comments were on the Redditor’s side with an opinion to say: “You have to draw a line in the sand. You’re not responsible for waking her up. You’re not responsible for bringing her out. She’s an adult, she can do what she wants. Another comment, too.” said: “Your wife is very selfish. Imagine losing time with your child because you thought coffee was more important?

While relationships always come with their fair share of issues, sometimes these issues can be bigger than a simple argument, and this woman’s husband demands to know everything that goes on in his wife’s day.

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