HomeInspiring StoriesA woman with a hidden disability refused to give up her seat...

Public transport can be a source of many disputes, especially when it comes to the etiquette of giving up seats. A recent incident It went viral On social media an elderly woman with a prosthetic leg claimed she was not disabled enough and demanded that she give up her seat for her. The details of this meeting are revealed in our article.

Here’s how it all works started: “I lost my left leg in an accident a few years ago. I’ve been using a prosthetic leg ever since, and it’s so advanced that it makes me look like I have two normal legs whenever I wear long pants. I usually do because I’m self-conscious about showing off my prosthesis.

These days I can do almost anything I want without problems like walking, running, going upstairs. The main problem is maintaining my balance when there are sudden changes in motion in places like trains and buses. This post is coming.”

“I traveled by train and sat in a seat reserved for disabled, elderly and pregnant women. It was very busy so there were no other seats available and after a few stops a lady came up to me and said she needed that seat, I shouldn’t sit there, I should move.

I told her I was sorry but I needed the seat myself. She argued that I should get up because the seat was for the elderly and I was a lazy child capable of standing.

“I apologized again and said I needed the seat myself. She left and got the conductor, who also told me to get up from the seat. I was done with being treated this way now, so I rolled up my trouser leg, showed my prosthesis, and said I wasn’t going to move. I told her.

She suddenly blushed and mumbled something before getting off at the next station.

Did I do something wrong? I could have said I had a prosthetic right now, but it’s a very tactile thing for me, and it makes me feel very self-conscious. That’s why I always wear long pants so no one can see or have to know.

Many disabled people face the same problem while in public places. Here are some of the responses the girl got:

  • My husband has physical disability and he looks normal when sitting. 2 Stand up with crutches and see what’s wrong. He was insulted by sitting in priority seats for the elderly and differently-abled, at disabled stands and in trains.
    All he has to do is stand up and they always say sorry or mumble and leave. It’s bad enough to prove you’re disabled before idiots will believe you. friday-appointment77 / reddit
  • I’ve had multiple surgeries on my feet and ankles, and if I haven’t walked recently, I don’t feel disabled because they don’t hurt. When I go to the grocery store and stand for long periods of time, I start limping really bad and I’m in such severe pain that I don’t feel disabled enough to park and go to the store. I was so insulted for parking in handicap spaces. readerchick05 / Reddit
  • It’s sad that people double up and get defensive when they’re caught or embarrassed, when it’s so easy to say, “Oh, sorry to bother you.” Go further. Rainbow TeacherCorn / Reddit

The incident sparked outrage and sympathy online as many expressed their support for the girl with a prosthetic leg and condemned the elderly woman’s rude and insensitive behaviour. Asking for a seat is a very common problem in public transport and airplanes. Here is a story of a woman who refused to give up her window seat to a woman with 2 children.

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