HomeInspiring StoriesA woman fakes losing her passport to avoid babysitting her nephews, and...

Babysitting can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but it can also be very stressful at times. That’s what a 17-year-old girl felt when she was expected to babysit her nephews during a family trip to Disneyland. She decides to withdraw from the holiday by pretending to lose her passport at the airport and then spends a week at home quiet and peaceful. She shared her story RedditSeeking public opinion on whether she made a wise or selfish choice for her well-being.

“I am a 17-year-old girl and I still live at home with my parents. My sister (28 years old) is married and has two children – 5 and 3 years old respectively.

Whenever she visits my parents, they stick me with the kids. This will not be a problem. But she never comes even for an evening. She would come for a week and I was an unpaid nanny that week.

If we go out to a restaurant, I have to entertain them because my mom has to talk to my sister and brother-in-law. You get the picture. “

“Since this is my last summer before I grow up, my parents decided to go to Disneyland to celebrate my graduation.

I asked who was going and they said, ‘Only three of us’.

But when we got to the airport, my sister and her family were there. Strangely enough, they were also going to Disneyland.

I reached into my bag and grabbed my passport. I put it in my sack.

When we went to international security, I couldn’t find it. We saw it everywhere. I had to take an Uber home and missed my flight. Oh, so I can stay home for a week in peace and quiet.

“My parents were very angry with me for losing my passport. The money they spent on my flight and entrance was wasted. Damn!

Both my mom and sister have posted about how difficult it is to be at Disneyland with two small children. Both of them have posted that they ruined their vacation without thinking like this.

My dad says he knows why I did it and he understands. But he says I should let him know so he doesn’t waste money. He said he would have gone along with my plan and he too would have gone along.

I feel bad about wasting money, but I’ve been to Disneyland before. Then I would go again, either alone or with friends.

The story has collected 3.7 thousand comments. Here’s how other Reddit users responded:

  • Your dad might support you after the fact, but you can’t tell him beforehand because he didn’t tell you they were coming before you got there. Wasted money because of your parents and lying about who is going. ir8thoughts / Reddit
  • Before you all head to the airport, let your dad know that if he let you in on their nefarious plans, he might have refunded the tickets or not paid in the first place. Jeveran / Reddit
  • Dad has no sympathy, he deserves to lose the money. He went along with the lie, knowing how much harm it would do to his daughter and how miserable her vacation would be. It’s cruel to promise a graduation party knowing they’re going to cheat on her and use her again. If he complains about the money when he returns, she should point it out to him. Slinkymalink / Reddit
  • “Oh, I’m sorry I ruined your vacation. If you had told me in advance that you weren’t planning this vacation as a celebration of my graduation like you said, and just to be your unpaid full-time babysitter, I would have tried harder. Just be there.” Homeschooling-Mom / Reddit

The author of this post received many supportive comments. Here is another story of a woman who refused to invite her brother’s son to her wedding because of his looks.

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