The hair loss is also natural. Every person loses 100 hair daily.
But some people are still experiencing more hair fall. Possible causes must be researched before suggesting the appropriate method of treatment.
If you have tried medicines, home remedies and all methods and still do not benefit, the following reasons may be due to the constant hair breaks:
Lack of nutrients:
Excessive hair loss can result in extremely severe dietary deficiency, including protein or specific micronutrients such as iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin D.
Mental stress:
Even during constant mental stress, hair loss is experienced. This can happen after a very stressful event. In addition, the hair is constantly stressed as the stem cells become inactive at that time.
Side effects of medication:
Blood -thin drugs, used in vitamin A acne, anabolic steroids and arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems or hypertension medicines can also cause high hair loss.
Immediately after the delivery:
Hair fall is temporary at the time of birth and usually ends in a year or less. And the reason is that your hormones prevent your hair from falling so frequently during pregnancy, but after birth they come to normal, causing the hair to fall more.