The month of Siam is coming, the excitement of people as usual is on the rise. Muslims wait all year of this holy month. At the same time, in every Ramadan, the question arises as to what is the way to eat and drink, which will facilitate and maintain energy. This is the month that gives us the opportunity to establish a strong relationship with Allah and we can ask for our blessings.
During Ramadan, you need different nutritional foods during Ramadan, which give you energy and maintain the same energy to Iftar. We can also use a healthy diet to lose weight. We can say that Ramadan also gives us a chance to lose weight. Be sure to use palms in the food of the curse. At the same time, the fried things should balance your diet with fruits and vegetables, take salads. They are rich in nutrition, iron, vitamins, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, etc.
You can also create fruit and vegetable mix salads, which will provide you with energy for the whole day. The heat of the sun can make you fatigue if you do not take care of the amount of vitamins. People who are not abusive to cholesterol can add to their diet during Ramadan. Full wheat flour is full of fiber. We can call it a healthy diet for the heart, as it also includes fiber, protein, iron, magnesium, etc.
Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamin C and magnesium, which help to increase the body’s energy. In Ramadan, intestinal health is very important, otherwise it begins to tired. Banana provides your body solving and non -soluble fiber so that your intestines remain healthy.
Enjoy the blessings of nature. Dried fruits are a blessing, which also provides excellent benefits in small quantities. If the weather allows, drink dried fruits with warm milk, it will be a great combination and will relieve you from fatigue. Eggs are among the world’s most protein -rich foods. You can make an egg omelette, which can also include vegetables. Boiled eggs and salads are also the best way to increase your energy. Eggs fulfill your appetite and give you a sense of full day.
In Ramadan, we usually like fried food and soda drinks in Iftar, which have a negative effect on our body. We eat palms to open the fast, but with this, salad can balance the level of sugar in the body. You can definitely add some delicious food to your Iftar table, including vegetables and meat. Spinach is rich in iron and if a person wants to increase energy, it is important to use spinach in his food. Iron deficiency in the body reduces oxygen flow to the brain and the person feels tired. Add some spinach to food to avoid energy deficiency.
Eating half a cup also gives the body 15 grams of protein as well as fat, which is important for heart health. The gram can be added to the salad and replace the toss after roasting. Beverage is very useful with lemons, water and mint leaves, which can be drank during breaks. It is a vitamin C and fiber -rich beverage and you can also add a teaspoon of honey to this mixture. A glass of this beverage is enough to give you recovery and energy after fasting a day. Soak 10 to 12 almonds in a cup of water overnight, peel almonds in the sesame. Then mix the milk with almonds, one teaspoon honey, and cardamom. This beverage is full of nutritional benefits, which gives you the energy needed to fast the next day.