About 100 % of all kinds of malts contain vitamin C as your daily needs.
This is more than any other fruit. Vitamin C in malt benefits your body in many ways. It protects your cells from damage. It helps to make your body collagen, which is a protein that aid to heal the wounds and soften the skin. It makes it easy to absorb irons to fight anemia. Cancer producing helps fight radicals. When you feel anxiety, vitamin C reduces your stress hormone and blood pressure levels. Some foods spoil your immune system, causes inflammation. When inflammation becomes a long -term problem, it can trigger diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Malta helps improve this immune system. A medium -sized malt contains 3 grams of fiber that keeps your intestines healthy, reduces the risk of cholesterol and heart disease, and helps prevent ulcers.
Malte is naturally a major source of folate. Your body uses it to distribute cells and create DNA. Since it helps prevent congenital defects, it is especially important vitamin for pregnant women. 12 grams of sugar is natural in malt.
This is different from the type of sugar you get in toffee. In addition, all fibers, vitamins, and antioxidants coming with Malte make it a better choice for your body. As far as malt juice or juice is concerned, you can get some extra sugar and fiber can also be lost.
Excessive fruit juice can lead to weight gain, which can increase the risk of heart disease, especially in the middle age. But both Malte and their juice are good for you. In the kidney stones, the patient is asked to use potassium, sirates and street acid. Its use prevents the process of becoming stones in the kidneys, meets anemia.
If you are suffering from anemia, the use of malt and canoes can meet anemia. The use of this fruit with the use of iron -rich foods increases the process of becoming hemoglobin. According to research, using malt juice to children can protect them from blood cancer.