
Here's how microplastics contaminate our food
Here’s how microplastics contaminate our food

Contaminated food has become one of the main causes of worry among consumers.

As reported by HuffpostThe main cause of food impurities is microplastics, which allow you to consume food without your knowledge.

What is microplastic?

Microplastics are small plastic particles that are invisible to the human eye in most cases.

They are solid particles that do not naturally dissolve after most of the plastic has collapsed, leaving undefined time in the environment.

How Microplastics Gets into our Food

Particles pass through food through contaminated water, soil and air.

Environmental pollution is the main reason why microplastics become part of our daily diet, as plastics collapse in places like landfills and where food is absorbed by the soil and water that catches or grows.

These particles are found in a variety of foods, including seafood, sugar and bottled water.

A cycle of contamination continues as impurities enter the animal’s food supply. After eating food sources of animals, animals and plants, they are transferred to humans.

Additionally, plastic food packaging can contribute to adding microplastics to food as plastic deteriorates over time and ends up being part of the packaging due to constant contact with food.

How to avoid microplastics

Although it is impossible to erase microplastics completely, you can start your goal by adapting several microhabits, such as using completely raw products, while avoiding packaged items.

Instead of wrapping fruits and vegetables in plastic, bring cloth bags and packaging to the grocery story.

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