HomeGulf News"Yemen is ready for change," says the UN, but a serious breakthrough...

NEW YORK CITY: Even though a truce agreed between the Yemeni government and the Iran-backed Houthis ended more than 10 months ago, the Yemeni people continue to reap the benefits, including a decrease in child deaths, and a steady stream of fuel shipments through Hodeidah port, the United Nations said Monday. .

The organization added that it had allowed the first commercial flight in seven years to transport pilgrims from Sanaa to Saudi Arabia.

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, said this period of relative calm opened an opportunity for serious discussions between the warring parties with the aim of ending the conflict once and for all. He added that peace talks would require a “serious breakthrough” if the war was to actually end.

The comments came as Grundberg briefed the Security Council on his recent efforts to broker an agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Houthis on the way forward. He expressed gratitude for the regional support for such discussions, especially from Saudi Arabia and Oman. He also thanked Jordan for hosting meetings between the two sides of the conflict to discuss the release of more detainees, based on wide-ranging prisoner exchange agreements in March.

Despite the overall decrease in violence in Yemen, Grundberg warned that the situation on the ground remains “fragile and difficult” and that “the front lines are not silent.” From Al-Dhalea, Taiz and Hodeidah to Marib, Shabwa and Ibb, he said, sparks of violence continue to “increase fears and tensions”. He called on all participants in the conflict to “stop provocative military actions and rhetoric that raise the specter of further escalation.”

In addition, Grundberg warned that the economic battles would continue to take their toll on civilians.

“The struggle to control income-generating ports, trade routes, the banking sector, currency and natural resource wealth has become inseparable from the political and military struggle,” he said.

Freedom of movement remains another “huge” challenge.

“Road closures due to conflict are forcing thousands of Yemenis every day to take unsafe routes, and have raised the cost of transporting goods by as much as 100 percent,” said Grundberg. Landmines, unexploded ordnance and extreme weather events linked to climate change are exacerbating the impact of restrictions on freedom of movement on civilians.

“For women and girls, restrictions on freedom of movement became more apparent during the course of the conflict. The requirement for women and girls to travel accompanied by a male relative has expanded significantly over the past year, especially in Ansar Allah-controlled areas,” he added, using the official name of the Houthi militia.

Armed groups often enforce this requirement at checkpoints in different parts of the country. These restrictions prevent women from accessing their basic needs, from engaging in economic opportunities, and from participating in politics and peacemaking efforts.”

“We cannot afford to seek a seasonal peace,” said the Swedish diplomat as he called on all sides to take “further bold steps” towards a more sustainable and just peace, including agreeing to “a sustainable nationwide ceasefire, (and vice versa) economic policies.” hostilities that deepen division between them and further fragment the country, (and) strengthen economic ties between Yemenis, including by opening roads” and increasing the number of flights operating from Sana’a International Airport.

Joyce Msuya, the UN deputy emergency relief coordinator, told council members that “Yemen is ready for change” but as the political process progresses “we must remain vigilant and active on the humanitarian front”.

And she warned that the need for assistance “will remain high for the foreseeable future” among the 22 million people in Yemen who need help to survive. This, she added, was at a time when the international humanitarian response remained at only 29 percent of the required funding level, leading to significant cuts in the provision of safe shelter and food aid to millions, including refugees and internally displaced people.

“Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees are among the most vulnerable groups and their numbers are increasing,” Msuya said, adding that more than 77,000 migrants have arrived in Yemen so far this year, and the number is expected to double by the end of the year. the year.

“Although they are not the largest vulnerable group in Yemen in terms of numbers, (migrants) face severe protection risks,” she said.

Migrants usually arrive in Yemen en route to better opportunities elsewhere. But once in Yemen, they often face exploitation and violence, including extortion, kidnapping and physical abuse. (Asylum) seekers and refugees use the same methods, arriving in mixed flows with migrants and facing similar threats. Women and girls are particularly at risk.”

Msoya called on all participants in the conflict to “fulfill their obligations to meet the basic needs – such as health, food, water and shelter – of all civilians under their control”.

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