HomeGulf NewsAttack near Pakistani border in Iran, four killed including two policemen

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The Revolutionary Guards have said that ‘four militants have been killed in the counter-attack’ (File photo: Getty).

Four militants attacked a police station in southeastern Iran and killed two security forces personnel.
The American news agency AP says that Iran’s official TV reported this news on Saturday.
An armed group attacked a police station in the city of Zahedan in Sistan and Baluchistan province of Iran, about 30 km from the Pakistan border.
After the attack, exchange of fire started from both sides and during this two security personnel were killed.
A statement from Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards said that “four militants were killed in the counter-attack.”
The report quoted the province’s deputy governor, Ali Raza Marhamati, as saying that the militants were trying to gain access to the police station and were armed with grenades, but did not elaborate.
Iran’s official news agency IRNA also reported that authorities executed two people on Saturday who were involved in the October 26 attack on the Shah Chirag Mosque in Shiraz, Iran’s second holiest site.
The report said the two militants belonged to the Daesh group and were involved in the attack that left at least 13 people dead and 30 injured.
Iran’s semi-official news agency Isna and Tasnim reported that the two were publicly hanged in the city of Shiraz.

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