HomeGulf NewsConstruction company fined for non-payment of salaries to workers in Dubai

A total of 1 million 75 thousand dirhams was ordered to be paid (Photo: Emirate Al-Youm).

In the United Arab Emirates, the Dubai Labor Court has imposed a fine of 1 million 75 thousand dirhams on the owner of a construction company for not paying workers’ salaries for two months.
According to Emirates Illum, 215 employees of a construction company in Dubai filed a case in the labor court for not getting their salaries for two months.
The court summoned the owner of the company and inquired about non-payment of salaries to the workers.
The owner of the company took a stand that ‘due to the deterioration of financial conditions, salaries could not be paid to the workers.’
The court ruled against the owner of the company and ordered him to pay a fine of 5,000 dirhams per worker, which is a total of 10,75,000 dirhams.
The legal adviser of the Labor Court says that the owners of companies and institutions should pay the workers their salaries and dues on time. There should be no delay in payment of salaries.’
The legal adviser added that ‘in case of non-payment of salaries, the workers should immediately inform the legal body where their rights will be protected.’

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