HomeGalleryTony Bennett family: photos

Tony Bennett and his wife, actress Sandra Grant, with their children Antonia, 3, and Joanna, 7, in the art gallery at the Milne Henderson Gallery. They were dressed as they sat together and posed for the camera.

Tony was a legendary jazz singer who entered the music scene in the 1930s and stayed there until around 2021. He has made a lasting impression on the industry and has won numerous awards over the years, including 20 Grammy Awards, a Lifetime Achievement Award, and two Primetime Emmy Awards. He passed away in July 2023 and left behind an incredible legacy.

In addition to his music career, Tony was known for having a loving family and getting married several times in his life. His previous wives include Patricia Beach from 1952 until 1971, Sandra Grant from 1971 until 1983, and Susan Crowe, whom he married in 2007. In addition to Susan, he leaves behind four children. They include Danny and Day Bennett, who he shared with Patricia, and Joanna and Antonia, who he shared with Sandra.

Browse the photo gallery to see some of Tony’s most memorable moments with his wives and children throughout the amazing years of his life.

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