HomeGalleryRichard Simmons: Pictures of the fitness guru on his 75th birthday

Born Milton Teagle Simmons on July 12, 1948, Richard Simmons was destined for the spotlight. The workout guru is known for his quirky, flamboyant, and energetic personality, and over the years he’s become famous for weight-loss programs like “Sweatin” to his vintage workout videos.

Richard has had a huge impact on pop culture. His idiosyncratic personality was often imitated, and he was a frequent guest on late-night television and radio talk shows, such as The Late Show with David Letterman and The Howard Stern Show.

He withdrew from the spotlight around 2014, and after public concern, he addressed his fans in a 2016 statement, assuring them he was fine but just wanted a break from the pressures of fame.

There is no denying that Richard Simmons is a pop culture icon. Here he poses with a plush pig named Lucy while in Los Angeles, just one of the adorable photos you’ll see in this gallery.

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