Matt Damon and Anne Hathaway play the lead roles in “The Odyssey.”

Oppenheimer Director Christopher Nolan has gathered a star-studded cast for his entirely new film. Odyssey.

In fantasy action, A-Lister Stars, namely Matt Damon, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, Charlize Theron, Robert Pattinson, and more.

The 2026 film, also written by Nolan, is an epic poetry adaptation by Homer.

The latest report shows that the 54-year-old actor approached his best companion and colleague Robert Downey Jr., playing a pivotal role in the upcoming glamorous flicks. Iron Man The star refused.

Daniel Richman revealed that Dark Knight The creator offered Robert the role of the Greek god “Poseidon,” but the 59-year-old American actor refused the offer.

Robert was already busy filming for upcoming Marvel films and had to refuse the offer. Avengers: The End.

Jr. was last featured in Nolan’s 2023 film led by Chilean Murphy. He played the role of Lewis Strauss in the biopic.

now, Odyssey It will be led by Matt. Matt plays “Odysseus” with Tom Holland, depicting the character of his son Telemachus.

The new film is scheduled to be released on July 17th next year.

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