HomeEntertainment'Massacre of children should be stopped', Dia Mirza's emotional message for Gaza...
Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Mumbai: Bollywood actress Dia Mirza in an emotional message has demanded Israel to stop the massacre of children in Gaza and this massacre cannot be justified in any way.

In her message on Instagram, the actress wrote that there should be an immediate ceasefire for humanity, the death of children is a massacre of justice.

He wrote that our children are very precious, whatever country and region they belong to, they are kind, loving and peaceful.

The actress further wrote that we should think about our children who have become victims of horrific wars without any crime and are helpless.

Dia Mirza said that as a mother and a human being, she believes that this horrible war should stop and a ceasefire should be held to save humanity.

It should be noted that the Israeli Air Force has continued to bombard Gaza in which 5 mosques, 8 small and large hospitals and thousands of houses were destroyed while the number of martyrs exceeded 13 thousand, half of whom are children and women, injured in the Israeli bombing. The number of Palestinians who died also exceeded 25 thousand, in which the majority are women and children.

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