
Blake Live’s honour and loss lawsuit against Justin Bardoni suffered a set break when a New York court blocked an actor’s request for personal data for more than two years.

According to Dailymail, Lively summoned her It’ll end with us As part of her legal battle, she is seeking texts from December 2022 to December 2022 onwards, asking for texts, logs and other correspondence records. However, federal judge Lewis Liman ruled that the request was “overly intrusive and disproportionate” and included confidential information potentially unrelated to the case.

The 37-year-old’s vibrant claimed that getting these records would help her identify the broader network behind the negative media campaign against her. She claims it started in August 2024.

Despite the verdict, Judge Liman did not completely dismiss the subpoena, but he actively directed her to narrow her demands. Bardoni’s legal team was also trying to block requests for similar material from third parties, but the allegations were denied by the court.

This legal dispute stems from sexual harassment and live claims of honor and loss during filming. It’ll end with usThe project became box office gross. She claims that Bardoni entered her trailer while she was topless, showing her personal video of the graphic and engages in inappropriate behavior. Bardoni accused him of manipulating the media and eroding his reputation by twisting the meaning of text messages.

The ongoing lawsuit is set to trial in March 2026, but both sides continue to release documents and official statements regarding their feud.


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