HomeWorld NewsGerman tourist crashes gate at religious Bali temple by stripping naked

A German tourist has been arrested in Indonesia for gatecrashing a sacred performance at a temple by stripping naked.

Darja Tuschinski, 28, was refused a ticket to a Hindu show in Bali, before allegedly pushing past security and stripping in an awkward protest.

The blonde backpacker was then seen confidently walking past the dancers before forcing open a large set of golden doors.

When a local man tried to stop her, she cursed at him, appearing to imitate the movements of the dancers, before leaving the platform to kneel beside a shrine. Be in prayer.

German tourist German tourist strips naked gatecrashing sacred performance in Bali
German tourist German tourist strips naked gatecrashing sacred performance in Bali

Shocked revelers in chairs watched as the tourist continued her naked rampage and walked back to the stage.

Furious security staff rushed to detain Darja for disrupting his show and handed him over to police in the Ubud district of the popular holiday island.

He now faces up to two years and eight months in prison if he violates the country’s public obscenity laws.

  • German tourist crashes gate at religious Bali temple by stripping naked 1
    German tourist German tourist strips naked gatecrashing sacred performance in Bali German tourist German tourist strips naked gatecrashing sacred performance in BaliBali police public relations chief Stefanos Satke Bayo Setianto said: “The incident of a naked female foreigner took place on the stage of the Puri Saraswati Hotel in Ubud, Gianyar Regency.
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